Ocean freight

LLC "Forward Freight" is logistics company providing complex transport services in the field of maritime container freight transport.

Ocean freight is an economical and reliable way for international shipping including oversized and prefabricated cargo. Using ocean freight the goods are delivered in the appropriate container to the port of destination and further shipping by rail or road.

The company mainly sells ocean freight through the Russian ports of the Baltic, Black Sea and Far East basins.

Ocean and multimodal container transport
Freight forwarding at transit and port of arrival
Undergoing of sanitary and phytosanitary control
Cargo insurance and insurance event support
Representation of the client’s interests at customs inspection
LLC "Forward-Freight"
76.2, 77, 78, 79 room, 38/2 litera A, Promishlennaya str, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
+7 (812) 600-70-67